速報APP / 社交 / Dementia - Cuomo

Dementia - Cuomo



檔案大小:44.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Dementia - Cuomo(圖1)-速報App

The Cuomo App has been created in order to encourage social activity amongst those living with Dementia/Alzheimer's, their carers, and medical professionals.

Our easy to use app has been designed for all ages, with a clear and concise layout, creating an enjoyable user experience!

Being diagnosed with Dementia should not halt your social life, as after all, communicating is what makes us humans - and happy ones at that!

Dementia - Cuomo(圖2)-速報App

Social activity is proven to enhance and help maintain our cognitive functions, which is why we have developed this app to allow like-minded individuals to continue to make friends both online and in person; supporting and advising one another through difficulties they may be facing as a result of dementia.

The App provides convenience to users in a day in age where most internet usage is channelled through mobile devices.

- Be a part of a growing community

Dementia - Cuomo(圖3)-速報App

- Support and Advise one another

- Make friends for life with similar interests and hobbies

- Discuss all things related to dementia

Dementia - Cuomo(圖4)-速報App

- Express your feelings and emotions

- Live life to the full, we are all in this together

Join the Cuomo community now and help to improve peoples lives through communication, whilst contributing to the removal of the stigma attached to Dementia in the process!

Dementia - Cuomo(圖5)-速報App

"This App has given me the confidence to speak about my diagnosis, and make friends in the process" - Jane, Essex

"What an easy and fun app to use. Great place to get some advice whilst caring for my mum" - Andrew, London

From all of the Cuomo Team, we thank you. Spread the word, spread the love!

Dementia - Cuomo(圖6)-速報App
